•  Ski Area Maintenance and Expansion                                 

    ELM has specialized in providing vegetation maintenance and Expansion services at the top ski resorts in the region. This often requires innovative equipment and highly skilled operators working under strenuous deadlines while coordinating and continually adjusting to changing conditions and plans while accommodating lift line and snowmaking contractors and their construction activities. The finished product is ski-ready. We take pride in the HIGH QUALITY ski area services we provide! 
  • Mechanical Mastication

    Mechanical Mastication is a technique used to remove unwanted trees and brush that have no commercial value. This technique allows the material to be cut and shredded in place, leaving valuable mulch on the forest floor, retaining moisture and aiding in the regeneration of grasses.
  • Cut & Remove (Logging)

    Traditional Cut & Remove (Logging) involves tree felling, skidding, delimbing and hauling. There are a number of factors that determine what techniques are utilized to meet the objectives of your project. We continually strive to find the best equipment, techniques and personnel to accomplish forest health projects with minimal impacts to forest resources. However, to best determine which methods are right for your project we recommend an on site visit to get a better understanding of your objectives and the logistics involved.
  • Forest Fuels Reduction, Defensible Space, Pre-Commercial Thinning, Forest Health Restoration              

    Due to increased fire suppression, our forests are becoming overstocked with vegetation. This has caused an overgrown, unhealthy forest that is often combined with a lack of adequate moisture causing increased likelyhood of catastrophic fires. By thinning these overstocked landscapes and cleaning up the forest floor, we can effectively reduce the intensity and severity of a wildfire while increasing the health of the forest and increasing habitat for wildlife.
    All of these services are listed together because they all work together to create a healthier forest that is more fire resilient while creating much need habitat for wildlife.
  • Post Fire Rehabilitation                                                          

    By utilizing Mechanical Mastication to mulch burnt brush and unmarketable trees, we are able to return much needed nutrients to the forest floor to aid in moisture retention as well as slow erosion and begin the regeneration process. In areas that are overstocked with trees that would create too much mulch for regeneration, we recommend a Cut and Remove (Logging) approach combined with mastication.  


Contact Us Today!

Enviro Land Management LLC
4600 Hwy 50
Whitewater, CO 81527

Lance Armstrong
Managing Member/Owner
Phone: (970) 261-5277
E-mail: lance@elmllc.net

Trevor Armstrong
Phone: (970) 216-1413

Rachel Armstrong
(970) 623-9442