Mayflower Ski
This is an example of a start from scratch project in which ELM utilized both a Mechanical Mastication and a Cut and Remove strategy in which trees, brush and slash were masticated in place as well
as larger diameter trees were cut, whole tree skid to a landing and processed for removal. Special equipment was brought in for extreme slope timber removal and finish work. All roads, ski runs and
lift lines had to be cleared. All runs were finished in ski-ready fashion.
Vail Resorts Gold Peak Race Course
ELM utilized a Cut and Remove strategy in which trees were cut, whole tree skid to a landing and processed for removal. All slash was processed through a wood waste grinder and chips hauled off site
to be re-purposed as Electrical Energy. All runs were masticated and left ski-ready.
The scope of this project called for both mechanical and manual treatment of 932 acres.
We utilized professional hand crews as well as a mechanical crew utilizing Feller Bunchers, Forwarders, Chippers, Wood Waste Grinders, Log Trucks and Truck/Chip Trailer
Work was performed in canyons, on the golf course and near residential areas. This project demanded adaptability to difficult situations due to the area remaining open to the public during
thinning operations, extreme work sites due to steep slopes and limited access, as well as the high profile view of the surrounding neighbors and tourists.
The scope of work for this project called for mechanical treatment of approximately 2200 acres by product removal and/or mulching of Ponderosa Pine and Douglas Fir.
The first phase of the project was meachanically mulched by a Hydro Ax mounted with an 8" Rotary Ax Mulching Attachment.
The second phase involved removal of larger diameter trees by cutting with a Timbco Feller Buncher, skidding to a landing and hauling off-site with conventional log trucks.
Enviro Land Management LLC
4600 Hwy 50
Whitewater, CO 81527
Lance Armstrong
Managing Member/Owner
Phone: (970) 261-5277
Trevor Armstrong
Phone: (970) 216-1413
Rachel Armstrong
(970) 623-9442